Friday, October 9, 2009

Good, Better, Best

So here is a sneek peek at another project I'm working on.
This design is created on 4x4 tile.
I designed the quote using SCAL (love that program!)
It's based on the talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, "Good, Better, Best" It's a great message and one that I really need to practice more in my own life.

These are going to be favors at an upcoming Bishopric Wives dinner for all of our Stake.
All the decorations will be in Black, White and Red.
One down.... 25 more to go!


  1. That is soo awesome Ginger! I really need to do something like that as gifts this Christmas. Cheap and easy right!?!

  2. Wonderful. They are actually more the "Best" rather than good or better.
