I sat through hours of a tutorial and was able to create this page of Parker...

Then I played around with colorizing the photo of Parker...

So then I was feeling brave and decided to tackle my blog background.
You can check out the "New Year" background and header for my personal blog here at Ginger's Jingle . (now I won't need to bug my sister every time I want to change it)
Last but not least I was feeling pretty secure in my abilities so I created an invitation for Parker's (and friends) upcoming Arrow of Light ceremony.

Right now I'm working on a February background for my blog.
I can tell it's going to take ALOT of practice and patience to get this digital thing down, but I'm a willing pupil.
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT going to give up my hand-crafted art of Scrapbooking. There's just something about the texture and dimention that makes me so happy.
However, Digital scrapping will find it's little place in my creativity nook!